Wild Swimming Safety Basics

Wild Swimming Safety Basics

This post has been driven by an unfortunate event that has brought into clear focus the real dangers that wild swimming can pose.

It was a post by Keri-Anne Payne, the former open water world champion and Olympic Silver medallist.

It’s deeply saddening that someone lost their life my thoughts and condolences go out to their family and friends.

I only know the details of which Keri-Anne shared, but personally the shock of someone losing their life

Every time we enter the water its a risk, and the best we can do is minimise those as much as possible. 

The more places and people that  this basic water safety advice that Keri-Anne is shared with, plus a couple of extra bits we added, the better:

  • Never swim alone.
  • Always do a recce.  If swimming somewhere new try and check with locals for any potential hazards.
  • Take a phone in a waterproof case
  • Take proper kit for before and after
  • Download the app “what3words” for accurate locations
  • Do a risk assessment
  • BE THAT friend to ask is this safe or is there another way?
  • If you can’t swim or someone with you can’t swim should you be doing that water based activity
  • Do you know what cold water shock is?
  • Should you have life vests?
  • If not should you have Tow floats?
  • Wear a bright swimming hat (Not blue or white or green which will be hard to spot in the water)

Please heed all of the above advice,  and we are planning to do some more detailed blogs on the above points. The more people heed this, the better. 



Stay safe out there and have fun.

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